Event 3 - Registration
3-Man X-Ball Format
Please select a registration option. Teams are limited to 4 players and 1 coach. Players must be between 10-16 years old.
Individual players will be teamed up, randomly, with 2 to 3 other players to form a team. Players must be between 10-16 years old.
Players entered in “The Duel” will compete 1v1 against other registered duel players. Best 2-out of-3 format. Winner takes 100% of entry fees. Duel will take place following the team event finals. Players must be between 10-16 years old.
This is a field paint ONLY event. Paint may be purchased at the field on the day of the event. Event specific paint pricing will be:
Gi Sportz 4 Star (or equivalent): $50 per case
Gi Sportz 5 Star (or equivalent): $60 per case
Team registration for Event 3. Teams may roster up to 4 players.
Event Prizes
3 Man - X Ball
First Place: Trophies
Second Place: Medals
1v1 Duel
First Place: All the Cash!
YPL Rules Addendum
The YPL uses the official NXL X-Ball rule book with the following modifications/exceptions:
Events will be a 3 player per team format. Teams may roster up to 4 players.
Fields may not have electronic buzzers at the start stations. Game time to to be kept by the head referee/scoring table.
The YPL reserves the right to restart an active point if player safety is an issue.
Matches will have a maximum of 7 minutes on the clock.
In the event of a tie, there will be a 3 minute sudden death overtime point.
Field waiver must be signed by each player prior to event beginning.
All players must have a copy of their birth certificate when signing in at events.